Good Bye Windows 8

Microsoft is ending Windows 8 support on January 12th 2016.
S0,Now Time To Upgrade to Windows 8.1/Windows 10 
Downgrade Windows 7

Every Windows product has a lifecycle. The lifecycle begins when a product is released and ends when it's no longer supported. Knowing key dates in this lifecycle helps you make informed decisions about when to upgrade or make other changes to your software. Here are the rights and limits of the Windows lifecycle.

End of support refers to the date when Microsoft no longer provides automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance. This is the time to make sure you have the latest available update or service pack installed. Without Microsoft support, you will no longer receive security updates that can help protect your PC from harmful viruses, spyware, and other malicious software that can steal your personal information.

Windows 7 without Service Pack 1: April 9, 2013

Windows 7 Service Pack 1
End of mainstream support: January 13, 2015
End of extended support: January 14, 2020

Windows 8.0: January 12, 2016 *

Windows 8.1 without Update 1: June 10, 2014 **

Latest update of Windows 8.x
End of mainstream support: January 9, 2018
End of extended support: January 10, 2023

* With the General Availability of Windows 8.1, customers on Windows 8 have 2 years, until January 12, 2016, to move to Windows 8.1 in order to remain supported.

** The Windows 8.1 Update 1 is a required update to keep Windows 8.1 devices current. It will need to be installed to receive new updates from Windows Update starting on June 10. Customers who have Automatic Update turned on don’t need to be concerned because the update will be installed for them automatically prior to June 10. For customers managing updates on their devices manually who haven’t installed the Windows 8.1 Update prior to June 10, moving forward they will only see the option to install the Windows 8.1 Update 1 in Windows Update. No new updates will be visible to them until they install the Windows 8.1 Update 1.

Mainstream support: Microsoft will offer mainstream support for a minimum of 5 years from the date of a product's general availability, or for 2 years after the successor product is released, whichever is longer. For example, if you buy a new version of Windows and five years later another version is released, you will still have two years of support left for the previous version.

Extended support: Microsoft will offer extended support for either a minimum of 5 years from the date of a product's general availability, or for 2 years after the second successor product (two versions later) is released, whichever is longer.

Fact: All of the dates above are the second Tuesday of that month. I know some of you are going to check the calendar now and see if that is right.


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