Back in May, Google announced the Android 'M' release, rolling it out to a limited range of devices as a developer preview. The new version of the OS still hasn't officially launched, but we now know which sweet and delicious treat it will be named after.
It's a Google tradition for the launch of a new Android version to be accompanied by the unveiling of a statue of the Android mascot at the company's headquarters in Mountain View, California. Each statue is designed to match the tasty nomenclature of the Android release, and this time around, the mascot is holding an enormous marshmallow.
Indeed, Android Marshmallow will be the name of the new release - but we still don't know what the version number will be. It's not yet clear if Google will treat this as an incremental update - i.e version 5.2 - or a major new release, perhaps called 'Android 6.0 Marshmallow'.
One of Google's showcase devices for its new OS was caught on camera earlier today. The company is widely expected to launch two high-end Nexus smartphones with Marshmallow onboard, including the 5.2-inch LG handset pictured today.
Source: @davey_burke / @Tojiro